Veracity for Publishing

Ensuring Accurate and Trustworthy Information through AI-Powered Fact-Checking.

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Elevate Your Editorial Workflow

Veracity's fact-checking and review system is designed to assist peer reviewers, editors, and authors in maintaining the highest standards of academic publishing.

Key Benefits

  • Quality Metrics: Provide objective content evaluation metrics.
  • Early Feedback: Offer actionable insights to authors, streamlining the review process.
  • Reviewer Empowerment: Equip peer reviewers with focused, relevant information.
  • Time Savings: Reduce the burden on human reviewers and accelerate the publication process.
  • Enhanced Trust: Contribute to a more trustworthy information ecosystem in academia.

See Veracity in Action

Veracity identifies issues like unresolved citations, helping you maintain the highest standards of academic integrity.

Veracity Content Checks Example

Example: Veracity detecting a citation that could not be resolved to a real source.

To explore more use cases such as catching common citation erros, flagging suspicious patterns and fake citations, request a demo.

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How It Works

Veracity integrates seamlessly into your publication workflow, acting as a "reviewer zero" to enhance the peer review process. Our system focuses on:

  1. Verifying claims and citations within academic content.
  2. Ensuring claims are backed by credible sources.
  3. Flagging common errors related to citations and interpretations.

Who Benefits?

  • Editors: Save time on initial reviews and make more informed decisions.
  • Peer Reviewers: Focus on high-level critique with reduced manual fact-checking.
  • Authors: Receive timely, consistent, and useful feedback to improve submissions.
  • Publishers: Maintain high standards and attract more high-quality submissions.
  • Academic Community: Access more reliable and trustworthy published research.


Q: Can Veracity detect AI-generated content?

A: We don’t detect AI writing directly. Instead, we focus on detecting AI misuse through veracity checks, such as identifying fake citations or unsupported claims, which are hallmarks of AI-generated text. Solutions designed to detect AI writing may become irrelevant as AI-generated content becomes increasingly personalized and indistinguishable from human writing. We prioritize verifying whether the information is correct and trustworthy, whether it was generated by AI, humans, or both.

Q: How does Veracity handle full-text verification?

A: We can verify content against full-text sources that are open access or made available to us through your organization. Like human reviewers, our ability to verify depends on the availability of full-text sources. If your organization provides us access to specific corpora, we can integrate those into our analysis.

Q: How does Veracity fit in the research integrity landscape? How do you differ from Signals, ClearSkies, Morressier, etc.?

A: Veracity identifies both common unintentional errors and suspicious or egregious citation misconduct. While other research integrity solutions like Signals, ClearSkies, and Morressier focus mainly on metadata analysis, we bring deep content and citation relevance checking. This provides additional research integrity signals to complement these providers.

Q: How does Veracity differ from tools like Scite?

A: Scite provides reference checks and helps you understand how papers have been cited elsewhere and whether their results have been confirmed or disputed by others. However, Scite does not check whether citations are being properly used within the context of the paper. In contrast, Veracity checks how cited papers actually align with how they are being used, verifying that claims are supported by accurate interpretations of the cited content. We flag issues like citation mismatches or misrepresentations, providing a deeper level of content verification.

Q: Is Veracity integrated with major publishing platforms?

A: We are actively integrating with various publishing workflow platforms. If you’re interested in learning more about our integration options, please contact us.

Q: Can Veracity be customized for cost, speed, and scale?

A: Yes, Veracity can be configured to trade off between speed, cost, and depth of analysis based on your specific needs. For large-scale, rapid screening, we can prioritize speed and cost-efficiency, while for smaller, more thorough reviews, we offer deeper, more detailed analysis. Our system is adaptable to different editorial or peer review workflows.

Elevate Your Editorial Process

Join our private beta and take a step towards more efficient and trustworthy academic publishing.

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